
  1. Based on natural ingredients, designed for long, damaged and tangled coat. Contains bamboo and linseed extracts to improve coat condition. Perfect for daily use between bath. Greatly facilitates combing, nourishes hair and makes coat soft and glossy. Suitable for dogs and cats.

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      Based on natural ingredients, developed especially for damaged, brittle and tangled hair conditioner.


      As low as €13.11
      In stock
      • Pompka dozująca 4 ml danego kosmetyku marki Yuup!. Pasuje do pojemników 5l i 10l. 

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          Based on naturel ingredients, easy to use, disposal cleansing and refreshing wipes. Perfect while walking or  traveling.

          As low as €1.38
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            Rich in nutrients, creamy conditioner with immediate moisturizing effect, facilitates combing and detangling.

            As low as €15.64
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              Professional mask specially formulated to give intense shine to the coat, moisturize it and protect its natural color from harmful external factors. Contains natural conditioning ingredients and extracts like: argan oil, wheat germ, linden oil, quaternary keratin, creatine and vitamins C + E + Pentenol.

              As low as €18.40
              In stock
              • Skin Lotion, based on natural ingredients, creates a protective layer for long-lasting hydration and soothe irritations. Creatine, vegetable glycerin and sunflower seed oil work together to enhance the skin's protective effect.

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                  Two-phaze detangling and glossing spray with low silicone content. Works anti-static and reduces drying time. After use, the coat is easy to care, recovers it`s natural shine and health.

                  As low as €21.85
                  In stock
                  • Professional Yuup! Green Clay treatment controls sebum, refreshes the skin and eliminates bad smells. It has strong exfoliating, matting, cleansing and slightly exfoliating properties.

                    In stock
                    • Professional modelling spray for dogs and cats. Perfect for gentle fixing hair shape. Leave the hair easier scissored. Enriched with natural aloe and green tea extracts.

                      In stock
                      • Intense shine coat spray, for dogs and cats. Enriched with argan oil, moisturizes and nourishes hair. It brightens, shines and improves color. Suitable for all hair types and colors. Restores glossy coat and makes it look healthy and brilliant.

                        In stock
                        • Strong styling spray for dogs and cats that provides long-lasting hold without build-up or sticking of hair. Enriched with panthenol. Increases hair volume, shapes hair while maintaining natural proportions.

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                            Wygodne w użyciu chusteczki na bazie naturalnych olejków eterycznych. Zawierają Cajeput (biały olejek z drzewa herbacianego) i olejek z Neem (Miodli indyjskiej), które tworzą tarczę ochronną na sierści i odstraszają komary, muchy, kleszcze i pchły. 

                            As low as €1.38
                            In stock
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                              Professional mask based on natural ingredients, designed to give volume and restore proper structure to weak or damaged hair, as well as to nourish and moisturize thin, straight or curly hair. This rich, keratin-infused cream softens and deeply hydrates dry coats without weighing them down.

                              As low as €18.40
                              In stock
                              • Professional product that facilitates and speeds up hair stripping from dog`s ears. Does not contain talk, base on pharmaceutical and cosmetic ingredients.

                                In stock
                                • This professional powder consists of a special, absorbent blend of white and light-colored powders. designed for white and light colored coats. Renews your pet's skin by removing dead cells. Cleanses the coat of various impurities. Perfect for cleaning all body areas.

                                  In stock
                                  • This multi-purpose product contains a blend of light and non-greasy oils, specially formulated to restore the most matt, dry and damaged hair. Suitable for all types of hair and breeds, ideal for long and silky coat, especially effective for show dogs.


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                                      Professional shampoo created to enhance natural black and dark coloured breeds. Adds shine, lightness and makes combing easier. Perfect for any breed and hair type, also for cats.

                                      As low as €13.80
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                                        Professional shampoo formula cleanses without softening hair, maintaining its natural structure. Product specially designed for terrier and schnauzer breeds, and for all dogs and cats with crisp, rough and /or curly hair.

                                        As low as €12.19
                                        In stock
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                                          Niezwykle delikatny, stworzony do skóry wrażliwej i alergicznej. Idealny do pierwszej kąpieli szczeniąt i kociąt, u których skórę chronią jeszcze naturalne enzymy. Polecany do skóry skłonnej do zaczerwienień i problemów dermatologicznych.

                                          As low as €11.50
                                          In stock
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                                            Deep cleansing shampoo created for any coat color or type. Coantains mild cleaning ingredients, cleanses and deodorizes. Aloe, white willow and propolis extracts control sebum production, they have anticeptic, cleansing and refreshing properties.

                                            As low as €11.04
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                                              Professional shampoo based on natural plant ingredients, provides protection against fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and flies. Keeps skin away from itching, redness and irritation caused by insect bites. 

                                              As low as €13.80
                                              In stock
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                                                Professional shampoo for whitening and brightening white and light coated  dogs. Developed to counteract yellowing due to oxidation and daily exposure to harmful environmental factors. Perfect for breeds like: Shih Tzu, West Highland White Terrier, Bichon, Samoyed, Dogo Argentino, Maltese.


                                                As low as €13.80
                                                In stock
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                                                  Highly concentrated shampoo with great degreasing and dirt removal power. Recommended for washing the dirtiest, greasiest and neglected coats.

                                                  As low as €16.10
                                                  In stock
                                                  • Pet drY shampo . A fast and well-functioning way of cleaning and lightening hair without rising.

                                                    In stock
                                                    • Deodorizing spray that effectively removes unpleasant odors from pet hair and provides a long lasting, elegant and floral scent.

                                                      In stock
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                                                        Extremely refreshing, light and citrus fragrance that captivates with sweet notes of grapefruit and vetiver. Lasts long on the coat, wrapping it in a unique aroma.

                                                        As low as €16.10
                                                        In stock
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                                                          Extremely pleasant and elegant fragrance that captivates with sweet notes of musk and jasmine. Lasts long on the coat, wrapping it in a unique aroma.

                                                          As low as €16.10
                                                          In stock
                                                            • Yuup! Kosmetyki dla psów i kotów.

                                                              Yuup! to włoska marka kosmetyków dla zwierząt domowych, wprowadzona na rynek w 2011 roku przez firmę Cosmetica Veneta. Za sukcesem i wysoką jakością produktów Yuup! stoi zespół ekspertów w dziedzinie kosmetyki, którzy opracowują ich skład i formułę, we współpracy ze światowej sławy groomerami. Szeroka gama produktów, przystępna cena oraz niezwykle wyróżniający się design opakowań, to kolejne atuty tej marki. W ostatnich latach marka Yuup! zyskała rzeszę fanów i stała się bardzo rozpoznawalna oraz doceniana przez groomerów, hodowców i klientów na całym świecie.

                                                              Pod marką Yuup! znajdziesz następujące linie produktów:

                                                              1. Yuup! Professional - linia profesjonalna, stworzona z myślą o groomerach, hodowcach i osobach oczekujących najlepszych rezultatów pielęgnacyjnych. Kosmetyki z tej grupy są bardzo wydajne, dzięki zastosowaniu koncentracji.
                                                              2. Yuup! Home - linia domowa, idealna dla właścicieli czworonogów poszukujących wysokiej jakości kosmetyków w przystępnej cenie.
                                                              3. Yuup! Fashion -to profesjonalne produkty do wykańczania fryzury, niezastąpione podczas wystaw czy pokazów. Znajdziesz tu perfumy, nabłyszczacze oraz inne niezbędne preparaty.
                                                              4. Yuup! SPA - gama tych luksusowych produktów, została wyprodukowana z myślą o rozpieszczaniu i zapewnianiu niezwykłej przyjemności podczas kąpieli naszych czworonożnych przyjaciół. Opracowane na wzór najlepszych ludzkich kosmetyków w dziedzinie SPA.

                                                                I wiele innych produktów.

                                                              Firma GroomerShop.pl od 2019 roku jest oficjalnym przedstawicielem marki Yuup! w Polsce. Posiadamy w ofercie cała gamę produktów: szampony, odżywki, perfumy Yuup! i inne produkty, w które zaopatrujemy salony groomerskie oraz sklepy zoologiczne.

                                                              Zapraszamy do współpracy wszystkie zainteresowane podmioty, chcące wprowadzić do swojej oferty kosmetyki marki Yuup!

                                                          © Groomershop.pl

