Brand: Aesculap
Set of 5 professional Aesculap attachment combs for Favorita clippers. Made of high grade stainless steel.
In stockSpecial Price €46.00 Regular Price €52.90- - 13 %
- Długość25mm
Professional and durable, made of high quality steel, attachment combs. Works with Snap-On system clippers.
In stockAs low as €11.50 -
Wymienny kiwak do maszynki Aesculap Favorita II.
In stock€11.50 - BaterryOneTwo
Durati to nowy, bezprzewodowy model maszynki do strzyżenia zwierząt od marki Aesculap. Niezwykle solidny i niezawodny sprzęt, stworzony dla profesjonalistów.
In stockAs low as €298.77 -
Profesjonalne degażówki jednostronne marki Aesculap, wykonane z najwyższej jakości Japońskiej stali nierdzewnej.
In stockSpecial Price €91.98 Regular Price €160.98- - 43 %
Profesjonalne nożyczki gięte marki Aesculap, wykonane z najwyższej jakości Japońskiej stali nierdzewnej.
In stockSpecial Price €91.98 Regular Price €114.98- - 20 %
Profesjonalny zestaw nożyczek od marki Aesculap (VH015C). Perfekcyjne cięcie dla każdego typu włosa.
Out of stock€689.77 -
The highest quality chrome carbon steel blade from the limited edition DCL (Diamond Like Carbon), thanks to which this product has increased performance and service life.
In stock€78.18 -
The highest quality chrome carbon steel blade from the limited edition DCL (Diamond Like Carbon), thanks to which this product has increased performance and service life.
In stock€78.18 -
The highest quality chrome carbon steel blade from the limited edition DCL (Diamond Like Carbon), thanks to which this product has increased performance and service life.
In stock€68.98 - BaterryOneTwo
Nowa, bezprzewodowa maszynka do strzyżenia koni i bydła od firmy Aesculap model Bonum. Niezwykle smukła, ergonomiczna i dobrze wyważona, zaskakuje niewielkim ciężarem, niskim poziomem hałasu oraz długim czasem pracy akumulatora!
In stockAs low as €528.77 -
Oryginalna szczotka węglowa do maszynki Aesculap FAV5, Favorita II.
In stock€3.45 -
Oryginalny włącznik do maszynki Aesculap FAV5, Favorita II, Favorita Speed - jednobiegowy
In stock€6.90 -
Aesculap Favorita Speed to mocna i niezawodna, jednobiegowa maszynka silnikowa o 30% szybsza od Favority II. Do profesjonalnego strzyżenia w salonach groomerskich.
In stockSpecial Price €298.98 Regular Price €344.98- - 13 %
High quality, German made carbon steel, corrosion resistant, long lasting replacement blade for Aesculap Favorita II, Favorita CL. Cutting length 1,5mm. Perfect for veterinarians for shaving surgery fields before surgery.
In stock€59.78 -
Made from high quality, made in Germany carbonized steel Aesculap Snap-On blade. Perfect for small surface areas such mouth, ears, paws.Â
In stock€50.58 -
Made from high quality, made in Germany carbonized steel Aesculap Snap-On blade. Perfect for small surface areas such mouth, ears, paws.
In stock€50.58 -
Model polecany do usuwania podszerstka u psów o cienkiej strukturze włosa.
In stock€13.78 -
Aesculap FAV5 CL to bezprzewodowa maszynka - odmiana modelu FAV5. Przeznaczona do zastosowań profesjonalnych. Niezawodna, solidna i precyzyjna. Maszynka jest silnikowa, jednobiegowa i bardzo trwała. Pracuje cicho i bez wibracji.
In stock€413.98 -
Aesculap Favorita II to najbardziej znana profesjonalna maszynka na rynku. Model jest znany od lat ze swej niezawodności, solidności ii precyzyjności.
In stock€367.77 -
Aesculap Favorta II, Favorita CL attachment comb. Made of durable plastic. Comb size no.3 increases blade cutting length by 9mm. Maximum blade cutting length, with which combs can work, is 2mm.
In stockSpecial Price €4.60 Regular Price €6.90- - 33 %
High quality, German made carbon steel, corrosion resistant, long lasting Aesculap Favorita II, Favorita CL replacement blade. Cutting length 0,05mm. Perfect for veterinarians for shaving surgical fields before surgery.
In stock€68.98 -
High quality, German made carbon steel, corrosion resistant, long lasting replacament blade for Aesculap Favorita II, Favorita CL. Cutting lenght 0,5mm.
In stock€68.98 -
High quality, German made carbon steel, corrosion resistant, long lasting replacement blade for Aesculap Favorita II, Favorita CL. Cutting length 0,1mm.
In stock€68.98 - High quality, German made carbon steel, corrosion resistant, long lasting replacement blade for Aesculap Favorita II, Favorita CL. Cutting length 1mm.In stock€68.98
High quality, German made carbon steel, corrosion resistant, long lasting replacement blade for Aesculap Favorita II, Favorita CL. Cutting length1,5mm.
In stock€62.08 -
High quality, German made carbon steel, corrosion resistant, long lasting replacement blade for Aesculap Favorita II, Favorita CL. Cutting lenght 1,8mm, fine teeth.
In stockSpecial Price €45.98 Regular Price €52.88- - 13 %
High quality, German made carbon steel, corrosion resistant, long lasting replacement blade for Aesculap Favorita II, Favorita CL. Cutting length 1,8mm. Wide blade.
In stockSpecial Price €57.48 Regular Price €91.98- - 38 %